This is a Criminal Complaint against the Godless Gang of Usurpers at the Florida Bar Association.

Any lawyer who will not face up to the Florida BAR and call it for what it is, a labor union, does not possess what it takes to stand up for me.

Who am I you say?

I’m a registered voter and a disabled veteran: U.S. Navy.  I’m a 64-year-old, left-handed dyslexic, high school dropout.  I can’t spell and I aint got no English.  I’m a little slow but not stupid.

I am also the father of daughters who love me regardless of my many and varied faults.

Over the years, chronic lower back pain has kept me laid up or on light duty for extended periods of time.  Keeping full-time employment was next to impossible.  As a result, I have had plenty of time to watch TV and read.  I still haven’t done enough reading.  I did manage to get my GED through the VA hospital in Tampa, FL.

I love God, Family, and Country.

I love America and American History.

I believe the A.B.A. (American Bar Association) is a direct and determined threat to the safety and sovereignty of the citizens of the United States of America.

I believe the A.B.A. is greatly influenced by England and her subjects.

I believe the A.B.A. is a labor union and, due to the nature of its craft, should be closely scrutinized by Pro-American eyes.

I believe it has been the A.B.A.’s historic, covert mission to hide, dispute and deny that information which educates the just heirs of American Sovereignty: We the People.

I believe it is the citizen soldiers who keep the United States strong and safe.  Not just the Army, Airforce, Navy and Marines, but also the everyday citizens who sit on juries and grand juries.  Citizens who register to vote and gets out and votes.  Citizens who stand up and speaks up whenever and wherever they see abuse of power and injustice.

I believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  I am a student of Martin Luther and the Reverend Martin Luther King.

I believe that the Pope is a pimp for the great whore: the Catholic Church and I believe the A.B.A. is the great Satan and he facilitates the coming of the antichrist.

It’s been said, “There are only two certainties in life: death and taxes”.  And then there’s that saying: “The truth is stranger than fiction.”

I hope this work will enlighten our citizens and help them to become informed jurors.

Thank you for your interest and comments about this work.
